Enabling global standard in traceability
Mytrace provides an easy access of traceability on recognisable world established Standards code for safety regulates by each country or international regulatory bodies in practice today.
Traceability enables products to be made visible across the supply chain, building traceability fundamental blocks within quality, speciality, and safety throughout the journey of the product to consumer destination.
Mytrace gives traceability assurance to all parties, from the producer, regulatory body and to consumers worldwide about the product’s standard on farming, fishing, excavating, processing and packaging practices which are safe and acceptable to be used by consumer everywhere.
Suitable to all entrepreneur produces an export product. Applicable to a product where inputs are from imported or local origin. Suitable for a product that already obtained certified process certification. Important as daily consumer preferences for premium purchase decision worldwide.

You may an entrepreneur that produce a product where the main input is from own farm, inputs from the various origin, or a combination of it, may be produced multi-product that uses various input source, an expert in your field of foods processing, well versed in Standards of Malaysia and international.
No matter what category you are in and how much time or costs attribute to the Standards application onto your product, certainly you care about the value or benefits that Standards gives so does the consumer of your product.
Mytrace as a trusted service brand is formed from the requirement of a fundamental change in expectation where market provides Pull and technology know-how gives Push factors that need to be filled by in order to fulfil vital information demand by consumer worldwide.

Mytrace QR Code Sticker application works well for multi-task industries from products from Foods, Automotive, Chemical, Biotech and Pharmaceutical. All industry have a similar primary process from sourcing, manufacturing practise, logistic mode up to retailing and Mytrace is created to uniforms information for the various standard of safety practise from preparation, packaging, handling, storage, and transportation followed by each manufacturer.

Identification Level


Trace Ability Solution
Mytrace QR Code Sticker application works well for multi-task industries from products from Foods, Automotive, Chemical, Biotech and Pharmaceutical. All industry have similar primary process from sourcing, manufacturing practise, logistic mode up to retailing and Mytrace is created to uniforms information for the various standard of safety practise from preparation

Trade venue is becoming vast and challenging phenomena for many producers especially in developing countries from counterfeit, non-guarantee of safety or quality and lower cost product from an unregulated origin.
The world market, on the other hand, is demanding much higher traceability assurance for the premium product that consumer requires in relative to higher demand.
If your product is facing the same obstacle in other countries or thinking to rebrand or repositioning your product to strengthen or increase market share or venture into a new one then Mytrace is the right choice for you to ease your way into the target market.
Mytrace captures standards that require by the emerging demand and Mytrace set standard requires all product to be registered for Mytrace QR Sticker have to conform to the existing standards from acquiring of raw materials, processing, packaging, storage, transportation up to the predestined market place.
These applied standards for Premium product also become a benchmark for Mytrace service guidelines where all parties in the market can easily check, verify and compare. Customers easily gain more confidence to buy your product and promote royalty after simple steps of verification using hand phone or other mobile devices.

Mytrace has been designed to be friendly to not only our client but also our client’s customers. Mytrace can be summarized with 3 simple steps.
Step 1: Contact us to get a tailored solution for your business.
Step 2: We will generate a secure traceability profile for your products to protect it from forgery, counterfeit, and sabotage.
Step 3: Your customers can verify the authenticity of the product via the Mytrace QR stickers on the product. You can monitor your product traceability as it gets from your warehouse to the end user. Full traceability.
With Mytrace, you can rest assured that your products are protected and your customers feel that extra assurance and security of obtaining a genuine product.
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