Traceability Service

Mytrace QR Code is based on two-dimensional symbology design that allows the unique information to be encoded in a very compact space such as on the chocolate wrapper. It’s compatible with an application whose reading or scanning system use camera-based scanners like handphone, tablet or other handheld devices.

Once the serial number of customer and product is confirmed, it will be encoded into the Mytrace QR Code that is unique for that particular Customer and Product. The assigned number also can be expanded to the number of the total number of product customer plan to produce and sell. The details about the customer and each of product that apply Mytrace QR Code Sticker is stored in a secured database at MIMOS BERHAD for direct access from any part of the world.

Simplified Data Access Worldwide

Each of Mytrace QR Code Sticker is embedded with a unique serial number for primary identification. This serial number is unique, if copied or duplicated MiTRACE system will detect and issue the “predefined remark” giving an indication that the sticker is a copied or duplicated version. Mytrace system at MIMOS BERHAD will detect and monitor all the registered Mytrace QR Code issued to each and every customer and their product. The system is set to detect each scan connection acquired every time customer scan the QR Sticker around the world and keep the data in the database for analysis including data for scan time, date, place and product the Mytrace QR Sticker applied onto.

If customer’s scan gives a return comment of “predefined remark” status, indicates that it is copied or duplicated, the customer can report to Mytrace by filling up a simple report that appears together on the web page. Mytrace will investigate all report received from market including to inform product owner and lodge an official report to related authorities either in Malaysia or International country together with the product owner. Mytrace user is rest assured that the product is secured from any duplication or piracy and user is confident about product authenticity. Mytrace is not only to provide traceability service for the producer and customer but provides crime buster security measures to protect the product originality.



Mytrace customer can have better product security measures compared to other QR Code service in the market when to apply for Mytrace service for product especially farm, Agro Food, and Seafood products. Mytrace is a collaborative party with Agro-Biotech Institute of Malaysia (ABI) that provide a genetic identification process for Mytrace customer (optional) for their input materials. The sample will be processed by ABI to develop mapping graph for DNA of the products that serves as an ID. Product user is more confident to buy a product that has coded DNA as it assures product originality and safety at a higher level.

It is a privilege for producer registered with Mytrace where their product DNA is stored and MyTrace Database at MIMOS BERHAD for identification and to defeat any counterfeit for the product and it can be accessed by product’s buyer worldwide. DNA genetic coding is worldwide acceptance standard coding that is embraced by the international law.

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